Do you feel pissed off when latency is higher than expectations?
The word ‘Latency’ is the delay that you often face off when your browser is busy in following an instruction to transfer the requested data. Simply put, let’s say, you search for the best nutritional diet online.
A gentle hit on the enter button throws the links that have your answer underlying. When you click a link, your browser sends a request to that link’s browser. You wait for a while as it seems busy in following the transferring of data. This waiting time or delay is what the network engineers perceive the latency.
However, it’s a networking flaw. But, a lot of work gets hampered due to it. Despite having cloud computing, it’s not a walkover to transfer the data in a sec. That’s why the edge computing is evolved. It’s a breakthrough that alleviates the limitations of a traditional cloud-based computing architecture.
The New Year (2019) is named to the benefits of the edge computing. Let’s have a look over what it is and how it is advantageous, respectively:
What is Edge Computing?
As aforementioned, it’s a break from the limitations of the traditional cloud computing. Since when the Internet of Things (IoT) have come into play, the enterprise-level data centers are happier than ever before. Their data are safely stored at a node, wherefrom they access them in a wink. It’s just like mesh networking. In this networking, a node (a Wi Fi device) is placed at a certain distance to remove the delays in the internet experience.
Likewise, the edge computing enables data processing to take place closer to its source. It means the browser needs not leap to a far located browser. Rather, it would process the request by accessing the data stored at the nearby nodes. This is how the data processing time would be lesser than ever.
Future of Edge Computing and its Benefits:
- Lighting Fast Speed:
Speedy access of the data is what you all love to have. This computing fulfills this wish. It increases the performance of the network by overcoming latency.
How does it happen?
The current commercial fiber optic technology pushes the data to travel as fast as 2/3rd of the light speed. It takes less than 20 seconds approximately for data transmission. But, the swelling count of zettabyte (a trillion of gigabytes) data consumption is a point of contention. The survey suggests that it’s going to exceed 44 zetabytes in 2020.
Now assume-how much congested would be the networks? Would they be able to route data in lesser than the current time they take? Would the latency be lesser?
It’s indeed a challenge that the edge computing benefits could overcome. It could convert the milliseconds into microseconds in transferring that data.
2. Cyber Security:
Would you like to keep the consolidated data in one place, as the cloud network allows?
Drill into your head that a patch on the network could prove hazardous. On seeing the silver lining of vulnerability, the hackers can encrypt the entire enterprise data. It happens because of the centralized placement of your data.
This computing disseminates processing, storage and applications across a wide range of digital devices. They turn into a node. Then, stealing away the consolidated data seems ‘not-so-easy’. Its segmented architecture turns every node into an entrance for a cyber-attack. Thanks to this computing that can push security protocols into every point of vulnerability! You can employ protocols that shut down the access of the compromised segment through the entire network.
This is how the quantum of risk is restricted to a certain data, rather than the pan data. For example- if one hacks a device, the data restricted to it would be compromised. And, the rest of the company’s data would be safe in the real-time.
3. Unlimited Scalability:
As happens with mesh networking devices, each node transforms into a router. In the same way, the edge computing stretches the computing capacity through an ideal mix of the IoT devices and edge data center. Whenever you install a new device and deploy with the processing task, the new one doesn’t raise a demand for more bandwidth.
This is how you can think about scalability through the capital driven out of these savings.
4. Versatility to Do:
The edge computing market size is wide. You don’t need to invest a huge capital in expensive infrastructure and its expansion. The placement of data centers in the nearby location allows you to target any market. The end users efficiently combat with the latency.
Moreover, you don’t have to spend millions of dollars on restructuring the IT infrastructure. The advanced IoT devices are highly advanced, premier and can easily merge with the existing architecture.
5. Reliability:
You can rely on this computing because they are positioned close to the end user’s access. This is how the distance won’t hamper transitioning of data. The IoT devices are capable of handling processing natively. The chances of their shutdown are negligible. Also, a set of data can be routed to many nodes simultaneously. Thereby, the efficiency of the edge computing achieves excellence.