How Data Digitization Services Convert Analog to Digital Format?

The expansion of digitization revolution is defeating the pace of a hurricane. In the upcoming years, it is going to be more vast and advanced. From education to marketing, each and every entity is taking advantage of it. Digitized operations save on time and cost. This idea hooks up many new entries to the fan-list of digitization every day.

Conversion of information into digital format defines data digitization. Do you know how a machine does this wonder? Let’s have a look over it.

How a machine reads data?

The language that the machine and other electronic devices understand is ‘binary’.  The processor of the machine organizes data into discrete series.  These discrete units are known as bits. This is done to assign each unit of data its address. When these bits are grouped, it gains the title ‘Byte’.

Computer> (reads in) Binary language> (process) Assign address in discrete bits> (grouped) Byte

How data is transformed into digital form?

Data digitization services providing companies utilize the similar formula over images and text to convert them into digitized format. Check out how:

  1. Scanning: Scan the text or image using scanner. It creates a printed version of your document in your computer.
  2. Saving: An image file or doc file will be created. You can save that file for OCR.
  3. OCR: Optical Character recognition (OCR) technique is hired. It breathes new life into the lifeless scanned copy of data. Now, conversion is on from recognition of the text or image to ASCII code.

Compiling: The digital data is compiled for streamlining the digital data for further usage.

Having done so, the data becomes extractable from the still copy. Editing in it is possible then. Let’s check out an example of it.

Suppose, I want to convert a comic book in to digital format. I’ll require a scanner for saving its each page in my computer. It should be done wisely as blurred or distorted content may lead to loss of data.  Now the scanner will convert images and text into a doc file. This I can save as doc file in my system. The OCR technology is to be called following to scanning. This software will recognize and analyze the light and dark verticals of the content. With the end of automation process, the content will be processed in ASCII code. Now, I can use it in anyway. Editing, pasting and removing can be easy after that.