10 Tricks for Best User Experience via Ecommerce Data Entry Form

Have you ever guessed how one places order on an ecommerce website? Your product selection fills the cart but the order initiates only when you click on the ‘Buy Now’ tab. It lands you to the form page. 

A messy and clumsy form can irate the buyer. As a result, he/she can leave the idea of purchasing from that ecommerce site. End of the day, it’s the form’s usability that evaluates decline in conversion rate.

It’s not too late to perch the easiest form that the buyer will love to fill. Here is the roundup of a few such ideas that can help you in designing excellent forms:
1. Use default values in the field: The buyer takes a few seconds to understand what’s going on when the form pops up. But default entries in the fields can bring them out of that puzzle in no minutes.
Take it as an instructional guide for the users. Put the sample entries in it so that they can get the idea of the format how it will look like.

2. Keep the data compatible to source: The form must have data format and fields compatible to the source information. For example, if the form asks to fill the details of the PAN card, it should have default setting of inserting 10-digit alphanumeric number. Else, it will reject the entry.

3. Formatting should be automatic: Make sure that the ecommerce data entry form will not require manual formatting, like putting percent or dollar sign. As the buyer enters the data, the form should automatically adjust the entry in preset format.

4. Draft enough length of text boxes: The field’s length for text entry should be lengthy enough so that the entered text can clearly visualize. Set its limit by default. It will ensure no exceeding of the text beyond preset length of the field text.

5. Differentiate optional fields from mandatory: Optional and mandatory fields should be separately defined. The prevalent format of optional fields goes with the asterisk. It’s syntax to represent optional field.

6. Validate data before finalizing form: Air the form only after vetting if the validations are functional or not. Use ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to verify. It will mandate correcting error in the field if it persists after clicking ‘submit’ tab.

7. Redirect user to the wrong field if error occurs: Wrong inputs should halt the user from proceeding. But unknowingly errors occur. So, redirect the user to the same field if any wrong data is entered. It ensures inputting correct entries.

8. Put labels close to data entry fields: Labels identify the caption. It directs the user what type of information should be put in. The referral information should be enclosed below with clear and simple words.
For example, the payment gateway asks to fill CVV no. Its sample is annexed to the label. But the data below provides an unprecedented help to the users to identify what data should be provided to the field.

9. Use Autofocus: Autofocusing implies prime focus on. In html5 form designing, it prevents clicking in the first field. It fixes the default position of the cursor.

10. Define headers clearly: The caption enables users determine what information should be provided.
For example, the payment mode selection system is predefined with the caption Edit Payment Information or Payment Method or Process Payment. Thus, the user gets ready with the netbanking support or debit or credit card details.