Could you answer what makes Google omnipresent?

Why is its every tool efficient enough to cater your requirement?

Why do we rely on Google Photos to find your forgotten moments/ friends?

Many more queries make rounds in my mind whenever I think of Google’s efficiency. On seeing it through the lens of a tech-geek, I came across a surprising fact. It’s, indeed, the AI that powers its various tools. The AI alias Artificial Intelligence seems more like a science fiction. But when you pass through the pan-day business activities, you realize that Google has kicked many odds out of your business ecosystem. It’s a true AI assistant that is always-on to help you out. Be it the web scraping or the online extraction, its role is phenomenal.

If you don’t believe, you’ll definitely be surprised. Just go through the following rundown of interesting information and identify how creepy the AI-based tools of Google:

  1. YouTube videos:

This is a tool that even a toddler can identify in a wink. Yeah! It’s extremely popular. It’s a product of the Google’s factory. While keeping into account its accessibility and scalability, Alexa has ranked it at number two. A person spends nearly 8.39 minutes on it every day.

Don’t you think it’s an exceptional tool? Why don’t vimeo or dailymotion outperform, as it does?

It’s a matter of fact that the underlying AI powers its algorithms. If you want to come across its evidence, look at the caption for the YouTube video. The AI-powered algorithms automatically label them. Even, they help in transcribing speech of those videos. At present, you can watch a video in 10 languages. Gradually, the AI would expand its dimension to a score of languages.

If the business intelligence, let’s say, necessitates web scraping of the corporate videos, you can input the appropriate keywords in the search bar. Put them inside the double quotes and hit the enter tab. You will have a compilation of a really big data to derive the intended business intelligence. This is how you ensure benefits of online presence for your business.

2. Gmail tool: The Radicati Group unfolded its survey detail wherein more than 3.8 billion global folks have a Gmail account in 2018. This statistics has 100 million more accounts than that of the previous fiscal year.

This year, Google infused the advanced AI into its significant messaging tool viz. Gmail. Now, its response time is quicker than before. Moreover, you can save on time by adopting three suggested responses. Unbelievably, they all will relate to that particular received email. So, your business reply can be immediately sent or edited.

Its AI seems a reflection of a human behavior, as its algorithms have infused nudging with the Gmail. Thereby, you don’t leave any important business proposal or inquiry or payment mail unanswered. It happens mainly with the messages that are older than two days.

3. Google translate:

How do you transcribe a message from one language to another?

Plainly speaking, I would go to the Google translator. But, it’s not the only feature that I’m fond of it. It lets you translate a text on a sign or menu via your phone camera. Just stick it still in front of that text or sign. Its algorithms will direct the embedded optical character recognition to figure out the words. Subsequently, they signal the inbuilt translation system to utilize its training on millions of translation examples.

4. Google Assistant:

How could a small kid switch on or toggle between multiple channels on a TV?

It’s possible, even if that kid is too small to read on. He can speak up and direct the Google Assistant to help. Gear up instructing, the voice recognition and translation system (via AI) would obey your commands. The beauty lies in its multi-lingual feature. Yes! It can interestingly communicate in more than a dozen of languages.

So! What you all need is to speak up what you want to search or do (like aligning meetings), it would comply with your request.

5. Google Maps: This tool is evolved magically. The AI has completely transformed it. Now, your business visit won’t be a can of worms. Your business development executive, or even you, could mark your presence on time. Google Maps can help you in foreseeing the upcoming traffic congestions and parking lots.

Besides, if you’re visiting a place for the first time, keep the worries aside. Ask to Google Maps. It’ll show up the street view also to let you find the right address on a quick note.