6 Secret Tips OUT to Have User Friendly Web Designs

A web design defines the architecture of a business. You would dice with risks if you ignore its blueprinting, compatibility with browsers and a lot more crucial elements.

Top Tips to Have a User-Friendly Website

Website Speed Testing Tools

Here are some specific tips that can make your website user-friendly:

  • Compatibility To Mobile

Almost 448.2 million global people are hooked to the mobile internet! (statista)

So, you should have a web layout that is compatible with mobile phones. As a household device, it’s a must-have feature to make your online business keep up and running all the time.  

To check its compatibility, use Google mobile site tester tool. You will be in the know of its accessibility on mobile, subsequently. If it’s not, you can immediately call the provider of your web design services in Australia or India, or anywhere. Define its compatibility.

  • Wireframe Architecture

The presumption is essential before bringing a design to life. Wireframing can help you create a skeletal framework of the whole layout. It’s going to make it easier to know where and how all buttons, navigation, banners, and other elements are to be aligned.

Most of the time, you skip this blueprinting. It is vital to keep into account what should be arranged where. Neglecting it can cause a big loss.

So, carefully plan, at first. Then, categorise them all by keeping user experience into account. This perception makes your design a failsafe in terms of the UX.  

  • Put Content In Format

Mostly, the users are impulsive by default. Rather than reading, they prefer skimming through the whole of the content.  If they find keywords, which are actually on the top of the SERPs, in the key areas on the web template, they can go deep into exploring your website. It determines the relevancy.

So, make sure that you have correctly put headings, subheadings, paragraphs, and checklists to split the whole content into easy-to-go-through text. This is a vital point mentioned in the Core update of Google at the beginning of 2020.

  • Quick Loading Speed

Sluggish loading kills. People prefer to bounce out in just 3 seconds if it’s too slow to upload. Make sure that they won’t get this reason to toss out of your website without exploring it because if it consistently happens, your web ranking crashes down over and over. 

To get rid of this challenge, do check its loading speed through free web testing tools online, such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix and Uptrends etc..These would bring suggestions along with the causes of speed barriers.  

Third-party plugins and widgets are the prime accused of deteriorating their speed. So, use them in a limit.

  • Ability to Run on All Browsers

Global customers use browsers corresponding to their preferences and usability. So, avoid overlooking your web template’s compatibility with all prominent browsers. If it lacks this feature, you may lose hundreds of customers.

However, all browsers bring along with their own challenges and inconsistencies. Do check the layout or structure of your website if it gets disfigured when switching to different browsers. 

Make sure that all inconsistencies with Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Opera have been overcome before making it live.

  • Glitch Free Navigation

Seams in switching or scrolling the web page are concerned with errors in HTML or JavaScript. Also, do check if your navigation is clutter-free. Keep comprehensibility in the center while defining menus and navigations.

You can integrate some advanced features from DHTML, and JavaScript libraries such as Motools and Ajax also to have more opportunities.

Besides, there are some more verticals that you must consider seriously to embed: 

  • Good search feature
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Good Internal Linking
  • Informative header and footer
  • Multiple navigations to explore content

There are many other dimensions, like integrating an inquiry form, colour-scheme and error handling etc., which also make users happy to explore your website. This happy web journey experience often attracts leads and conversions.