5 Best Uses of Data Scraping Services for Corporate World

Data breathes a fresh life into the modern business landscape. It’s precious; it’s unprecedented; it’s full of knowledge in present scenario. The creative ideas wait in them to come out and spring. But how so is possible?

Let’s take an example. A company deployed software to extract footwear ads from various Application Tracking Systems. It employed craftsmen’s technique to attract more customers. The software supplied it striking data with high-ranking keywords. (A keyword identifies the significant word or concept). It got “Casual shoes online”, “Buy footwear online” and “Women’s footwear online” as high ranking keywords. The company capitalized on the data scraping technique. Finally, it invested in PPC ad campaigns and banked on the extracted keywords. Consequently, it harvested million dollars revenues.

5 Best Uses of Data Scraping Services for Corporate World
Use Cases of Web Scraping to Power Your Business

Consider the data scraping services below:

  • For price comparisons: The trend of ecommerce is on surge. Retailers, wholesalers and distributors have started choosing online shops rather than offline stores. So, the emulation among various ecommerce websites is obvious. But outreaching requires more efforts. Price comparison can bring countless customers on an e-Shop.  Thus, web scraping can help tremendously. Extract price of the similar product from popular ecommerce sites. The scraper prepares a data-base subsequently. It consists of various prices of a product. Follow the same procedure for different products. Finally, publish them under price comparison tag.
  • For tracking reputation: Why a brand is a brand? Its answer lies in its popularity. And quality has delivered it. Similarly, online presence of business profiles and reviews tracks their reputation. For example, many customers complained for the poor quality of a branded laptop. Complainants were in hundreds. Very few ranked it ‘good’. Therefore, reviews extraction presented its quality’s crystal clear picture. Thus, we can easily track reputation of anything.
  • To sneak peak into others’ SEO strategies: SEO or search engine strategies optimize a website. Short and simple urls, navigators, meta-descriptions, keywords, tags, images, content and site map create an optimized website.  Scraping these strategies can help unprecedentedly. One can add competitive edge using them. Take an example, an online food vendor sneaked peak his competitors’ SEO strategies. For it, data scraping helped him. His data scraping software tracked his competitors. It also extracted keywords from competitive websites. With it, the vendor invested in the best keyword package of Google Adwords. The strategy credited profit in millions.
  • For tracking online directories: Directory submission determines the process of listing a site to various directories. Correct category is chosen while its submission. So, extracted data from various applications integrates at another application. This data transfer becomes a guide. One can judge the quality and safe backlinks, massive exposure, reviews and overall earning through blogs/webpages. It helps in better vision consequently. Finally, one can project strategies for growth and enhancement. Future audience can be targeted accordingly.
  • For web scraping: The process of extracting data from various sites is known as web scraping. It helps in executing custom analysis. Web scraping software help in meeting industrial goals. Policies and future game plan can be decided according to it.